
What is ISO or ASA

What ISO os ASA? 
If we are talking about I.S.O. as the meaning of word , ISO is abbreviation of International Standard Regulation. a governing body that provide international standard in a wide variety of subject. and ASA is American Standard Association is the standard that commonly used in the United States but already discontinued and now has been replaced with American national Standard Institute.  both is International standard that authorized to provide standards for the category of film used in photography. 

I interpret it in my own understanding that ISO is the ability of the film or censor of the camera to receiving light of the object. 
(Old camera) SLR Camera ASA / ISO setting 
ISO Setting in Digital SLR (DSLR) camera

In use, ISO has an important role in determining the ability of the camera to catch the light at a photo shoot. Because ISO is a unit of the film or sensor sensitivity in capturing objects light.  A higher ISO means a higher ability to receive light so the film or censor with higher ISO have ability to record object in lower light. 
In Example ISO 100 can't capture image in night or low light but will be good in day light, but ISO 3200 will be good in low light or night but will over exposure in day light.
The differents is ISO 100 have more detail to the image rather than ISO 3200.
see the example:

That is the reason why you have to ensure that you have choose right ISO in every shot you take. yes of course we can modified the images in Image software in present. but using a right ISO in every shot will give you multiple option and maybe you wouldn't need a software editing if you are have the sense of light and exposure that you got from practicing your sense in every shot. .